Grabeorama says:
Unfortunately for GMag, I'm going on holidays next week for 3 weeks. This
means that issue 4 definitely won't be released until July. Unfortunately again,
I'm going on holidays sometime in July also (dates not confirmed yet) for three
weeks. And unfortunately (last time I swear) after I come back from those
holidays, I will more than likely be going abroad for my final holidays (dates also
So I cannot give an exact release date for issue 4, but I can say that come
september 2010, things will have returned to normal and the issues will go back
to their bi-weekly release. Until then I could be releaseding the odd issue every
so often so keep an eye on the blog.
So stay tuned in for the next issue, who knows when it shall be released.
August 16, 2010 at 12:11 PM
This looks cool =)