GMIndie Radio going 24/7

GMIndie is planning to launch the very first 24/7 dedicated Game Maker radio station. It's said to be launched as early as August fifth (a few days).

The plan is to keep the radio station dedicated to GMIndie radio, so it will be looping replays throughout the day, and playing music over night (from NewGrounds, credit given to authors).
It'll be like a real radio show. For a new LIVE show every other Saturday, tune in on Saturdays at 7AM PST (-7 GMT). The show will go BLANK for 10 minutes before the show. So expect that!

There will also be on the hour news, every 4 hours. So tune in every 4 hours during day time to hear LIVE updated Game Maker News, and even leaked GM media gossips
So that I won't have to do all of the work as far as announcing GM news goes, I'm looking for a news announcer. All you have to do is record the latest GM news (talk fast so it can be done quicker) and send it our way at in mp3 format

GMIndie has already found disk jockey's to play the NewGrounds music and announce the music authors, which according to NewGrounds is the only thing we need to do to legally play their music on the radio show.
(Click on Schedule from above to learn the schedule)
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  1. Well this was a stupid plan... lol

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