Many GMS features are on hold

Frederick has left the internet world! (GMS, GMC, YYG and any other website except for GMail it appears). Frederick was our main staff man and perhaps the hardest working individual we've ever had the privilege of working with on Game Maker Station. It is hard to see him go.

His leaving has left a lot of our projects unfinished or on hold. GMIndie, Game Maker School and other projects like that are currently on hold until Josh decides who will be running what.

"hes the best owner gms has ever had" - Donald

This is going to be very hard to get all of these features completed and keep them running without Frederick. We do have a few staff positions available if you are interested. Please contact Game Maker Station.

We have about 150 hours of work to do.

Frederick said in an email "Yes, I will be gone for Christmas. I won't be around for a few months actually. I've got the holidays and vacation coming up."

His departure topic can be found here:

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Gazette is a blog focusing on Game Maker related content like product news, YoYo Games news, Game Maker media, gossip, competitions and more.


  1. that sucks for staff
    one being me lol

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