YoYo Games Ltd stands up to copyright infringers

YoYo Games has been helplessly standing by the way side allowing one copyright infringement after the other since the beginning. It was quite recent when YYG started to actually do things. Now they are exercising their legal rights against copyright infringers.

This was recently discovered by Phil from Game Maker Blog.

We encourage people to Report copyright infringers immediately!
Not sure who to report them to? Report them to Sandy.

Hopefully soon Sandy will do more than negotiate. He needs to threaten people. Show them he means business. Do you want to go to court or are you going to stop uploading illegal material? That's up to you. It's true that he cannot take a minor to court, but he can legally take the parent of the minor to court.


About Game Maker Gazette

Gazette is a blog focusing on Game Maker related content like product news, YoYo Games news, Game Maker media, gossip, competitions and more.


  1. Good. Looks like they are starting to act more professional.

  2. That's actually kinda good.

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