Opinions banned from articles

GMIndie team and Board of Directors have voted in the meeting this afternoon that opinions will be banned from future articles here on Game Maker Gazette.

Our new goal is to supply you with the facts in our articles, and the facts only.

Here's something I said in the original post about this
We've decided that giving you the facts in our news is more important than sharing our opinion because it may be off a bit. If the writer wants to give an opinion, he or she can still share it, but he or she has to post their opinion in a reply to their article. Their article itself must contain facts only.

About Game Maker Gazette

Gazette is a blog focusing on Game Maker related content like product news, YoYo Games news, Game Maker media, gossip, competitions and more.


  1. Just wanted to say that I could not vote, and I would have voted against this ban.

  2. it was for the best =|

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