YOYO GAMES GLOG — As YoYo Games promised, they are keeping us up to date with new glog posts about publishing with YoYo Games. All the new info can be found in this wiki article.
YoYo Games updated their Terms and Conditions for uploading games, and should definitely be noted before submitting your games!
YoYo Games Wiki
Terms and Conditions need to be accepted by the developer before publishing can start. Please make sure you read through and understand them before accepting.
You must be over the age of 18 years or else have your parent’s or guardian’s consent to submit your Games to the YoYo Games App Store. By submitting your game you therefore confirm that you are over 18 years of age or else have your parent’s or guardian’s consent and that your parent or guardian has read and agreed to these terms. By submitting a Game you confirm that you understand these terms or have had them explained by a parent or guardian who does.
Also, YoYo Games made this nice image to help us out with understanding the publishing process:
Sorry that it's so hard to read, YoYo Games probably should of made it a little bigger.