Mike Dailly on 2010 and 2011

THE LIFE OF A GAMES PROGRAMMER- BLOG BY MIKE DAILLY — Mike Dailly talks of his experience in 2010 with joining YoYo Games, working on Game Maker, and making some good friends at his job at YYG. He talks about his experience with YoYo Games over the last year, struggles with Game Maker and the ports, working with Jesse and Andrew, and other things here and there, but in this post, we will be focusing on what we've been waiting for: Game Maker 8.1 news updates!

First thing right off the bat is the fact he's working on the much asked for Zoom Feature in the room editor! He agrees with us the room editor needs this feature. He says he plans on "improving Mark's already damn fine program". He also mentions hows it's great that it's finally getting added in.

Now this had made the room editor need a speed boost. He's going to be modifying the drawing code for the editor. It's not currently hardware accelerated, so he says it's doing good for that fact! He's going to change it so it is, but for now, he's going to finish other things and get GM 8.1 out. After that, he's going to fix it all up!

Mike will also be working on a ton of bug fixes. He'll make sure most of the small ones are fixed and some bigger ones will be corrected. He's excited to expand and improve Game Maker!

Mike says:
So finally... looking forward to 2011. What does it hold for us? Onwards and upwards I hope!!! We're building some real momentum here, and it's looking better and better for all things Game Maker and YoYo! We have big plans for both community games, and Game Maker itself, and I am literary tingling with anticipation! I'm a games coder at heart, and the thought of helping you make more great games is a real buzz.

So lets all hope for a good 2011, and we'll see you all on the flip side!!
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