Sources: Game Maker Interviews
Sorry this is so late, but I was asked to post it anyway.
Well, here it is. My first interview!
Me: What inspired you to use Game Maker?
3D: life
Me: Using Game Maker, what did you plan to accomplish?
Me: and What have you accomplished so far?
3D: I originally thought, if they can do it, i can! I aimed to create an amazing online, First Person Shooter, with my friend, and make hoards of cash. Nope not going to happen. But my goal eventually got sort of acieved, when i saw yoyogames competition03. I planned to enter, but Gm Lite, couldnt get me anywhere, so i got pro. My goals then were to create games that people enjoyed, and that i found fun, and worth while making.
3D: What have i accomplished? I have been making a 3d platformer for some time, and after years of GM, i finally understood 3d. So i tried it out. Although i've encountered errors in Gm, it always pulls through in the end. I've also created some high quality shooters (2d) My games seem to be mostly popular around 3.5-4 stars each on YYG( YoyoGames) My biggest accomplishment yet, is my 3d game, ElmntryMz, which stands for Elementary Maz
Me: It's sounds like you've made several games in your career so far! How many games have you made?
3D: I've made around 6 games in GameMaker, but helped out with Coding, graphics, and more in around 10 other games, most notably a competition04 favorite, Volt by Edward_Jordan, another game in Competition04 Paprika by Free_shift. I have 5 games posted on YYG, one Example, (Blood Engine, a particle example) and 2 (ElmntryMz) , and my 3d RPG (ERPG) as WIPs. I work with another friend of mine (not from YoyoGames) Who is known as Pursuit.
Me: Which one do you feel is your best?
3D: I have 2. I really have worked haard on ElmntryMz, not even 1/5 complete, its been 6 months since i started it, but its coming out terrific. My second favorite, commented very highly "Best AI in a topdown shooter other than PEC(Planet Earth Crusaders). It's called Reliace: Last Call, made sometime Late 2008- Early 2009
Me: If you could go back and recreate your two best games, what would you different then you did the first time? and Why?
3D: plan on working on bosses alot more, and with Reliance, i wanted to try to de-lag it a bit.
Me: So, I hear you're making a 3d game! What's that like?
3D: I already answered that..
3D: but... ill asnwer again
Me: Okay!
3D: 3d games are fun to make, i guess i enjoy them. Gm can glitch alot, saying DLL's arent working etc. But no matter how angry you get, just keep going. It's happend to me, but i kept up. It stops eventually. 6 months for 12 voice scenes and 7 levels. But once you play it, and look back at what you made, you'll love making 3d games too.
Me: After you are finished with your 3D game, do you have plans for another game?
3D: No,i dont, but if i do, i have some ideas stored away. I may try another Arcade game. Something short, maybe an all boss game.
Me: Sweet!
Me: Do you prefer working solo on games, or do you prefer team work?
3D: It matters if online, i dont like working with people online as much, but if someones on a computer, sitting next to me, exchanging ideas, like me and Pursuit do, i like that.
Me: Okay
Me: So, do you feel you will upload all your games to YoYo Games, or do you have other website's in mind?
3D: I prefer Yoyogames, it allows comments, and feedback, along with easy access to images, downloads and reviews. It even lets you play via its online play "Instant Play"
Me: Before I forget to ask, what do you think of YoYo Games?
3D: all it gives is easier ways for N00bs to use Gm.
3D: Altogether great bunch of 50 plus men running the site!
Me: A lot of people don't like YoYo Games forums very much. What do you think of their forums?
3D: I find them easy to use, and accesible, as your YYG account is transfered over. I love the forums, thats what inspirted me to make GameML. I am usually active on the YYGF (yoyogames forums)
Me: I just got two more questions for you. If you were to meet Professor Mark Overmars, what would you say to him?
3D: Good job on making Game Maker. How come you haven't made any games (real ones) Your self? And how come, you own YoyoGames, but are never on, to help out users. Mark Overmars is the one member of the YoyoGames staff, i dont think very highly of.
Me: Okay. Final question!
Me: We hear you run a website called GameML. Explain what it's about.
3D: Its a forum website, for expirienced to advanced GameMaker users, that can help out, and be helped. Not only is it for gamemaker, it is a place to chat, and hangout, and discuss gaming in general. We have a chatbox, and places to advertise your game, or website.
Me: Well, that's all I got since you have to leave! So thanks for joining me for this review! I hope to hear from you again 3dpursuit!
3D: well I can do one more
Me: You're a member of Game Maker Station. How do you like the place, and would you recommend it to anyone else?
3D: I hate GMS, yet love it. I hate that it has more members, and posts than GameML, but love to be part of such a community. I would reccomend this, but dont have anyone to reccomend it to. You seem to get everyone i know. Thanks for this oppornitunity Fred! Good luck with GMS.
3D Pursuit's website:
3D Pursuit's profile page:
Credits: Frederick
Interview with 3dpursuit
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December 15, 2009 at 3:07 PM
nice interview